Scuba Diving Tips: The Backward Roll Entry

Beginner divers often learn the two basic diving entry methods: Stepping forward off of the boat and stepping backwards into the water.

Today, we’re going to focus on the latter — otherwise known as the backward roll entry.

Why dive backwards?

Diving backwards can be beneficial in numerous ways. First, divers who want to avoid the sensation of masks and regulators hitting the water on impact can rely on this entry method. Face-first divers are also more prone to water entering their masks. Plus, the weight of the tank may pull you back should you decide to step forward off the boat. Another benefit of diving backwards is that you are in full view of your fins, which can get caught somewhere in the boat should you decide to dive forward.

When to dive backwards

The backward roll entry is often used when the boat is small or shaky. They have to consider the bulk and size of their gear as well as the people around them. Backward diving gives divers much better control and avoid any mishaps.

How to dive backwards

Here’s how to properly execute a backward roll entry

  1. Secure your hoses and gear tight around the chest area
  2. Sit at the edge of the boat facing inwards. Your tank should be facing the water at this point
  3. Double check if anyone or anything is near you. Maintain a clear area where you are to prevent accidents
  4. Make sure your legs are bent together at the knees, your chin tucked in with one hand holding the mask and regulator in place
  5. Lean back and let gravity do the work for you